Monday, October 31, 2011

7 days till we leave!

Today is exciting because I just bought a bike off craigslist in Costa Rica! We will be staying in Coco- Costa Rica for a week and found an awesome bike to get while we are there. When we leave we plan on leaving the bike with the family that is hosting us. It is a way for us to thank them and we're leaving it behind for other couch-surfers that stay with them to use. 

Here is the bike-
Pretty cool huh! :) Only about 40 more days until I can actually ride it! 

As it gets closer to the trip I need to send out final emails to all of people we are staying with again to confirm our stay and remind them we are coming! We have heard some surfers say they have been cancelled on right before which worrys me a little but I know that in the end there will always be a hostel to stay in if necessary. Part of the adventure is going with the flow and not letting simple complications throw us off. 

I have planned out all 51 days of our trip. However, I am keeping an open mind to it all though and in fact would be very surprised if everything worked out exactly as planned. I think the plan will continue to get better once we are there and living the adventure.

 These random cold spells were going through is making me that much more excited to put my feet in the sand and have sunshine beaming down on me! I can't wait! I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to share this trip with my dad. We are both so passionate about traveling and the fact that we get to do this together will be a cool bonding experience for us. I like that I really get to know my parents. Not just have them as a parent but a good friend who I can tell you everything about. Hearing my dads stories from when he was my age and his life makes me realize how similar we are! 

Here is a map of what our adventure looks like- I'm kinda a big planner if you can't tell and even though I'm going to need to go with the flow-- I like to have the sense for what to expect and a guide! 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

12 days away!

So I am having another night where I can't sleep because I am too excited/anxious for my adventure to start! I thought since I couldn't sleep I would explain my trip a little and also use this as my guide for what else I need to accomplish between now and my departure! :D

We are doing the majority of our trip through couch-surfing. What is couch-surfing you ask? Well its a travelers dream. Its a website for passionate travelers around the world to open up there houses for individuals traveling through the area. Not only is it free to stay but it makes the experience of traveling so much better then just going and staying at a hotel. I get to fully immerse myself in the culture and see how people who live their on a daily basis go about their lives. Pretty cool right? Its a win win to me!

Since learning about couch-surfing in March my dad created and account and has opened our house up for people to stay a night or two. We have an extra bedroom so they aren't really sleeping on a couch. Which is also cool about our trip because the places we have set up are pretty legit. One man lives in a 3 bedroom house and has queen size beds in each room. I'm looking forward to our time here - if you can't tell! All of the couch surfers we have hosted at our house have worked out well. They have been unique experiences and am glad to say we do it. It spices up life a little more!

I must say though couch-surfing is not for everyone. I think it takes a certain personality to do it. All of the people we have lined up so far are the neatest individuals -- very passionate about life, traveling, meeting new people, etc. Another cool thing about it is some them work as tour guides or  in tourism and have promised to show us some cool spots -- so we are scoring big with private tours and free of cost experiences! Talk about economical traveling while still including cool excursions :).

Whelp this is my first post and I can already tell I will be using a lot of smileys. Sorry in advance if its annoying --but I can't help it. I'm just a happy person who is doing what I love and love what I'm doing. :) Another thing you will notice if you are reading my blog is that I tend to ramble a lot. Also if my grammar isn't the best I apologize but I prefer to write my thoughts as if I am talking. And since I am just typing away I am not concerned with punctuation. There those are the three warnings I will give.. Continue reading at your own risk ;)